CAMERONKATRI.COM(7) Miscellaneous Information Manual CAMERONKATRI.COM(7)

ckatriCameron Katri

Email address - [email protected]

Git server -

GitHub - @CRKatri

Manpage viewer -

PGP key - 7D3B36CEA40FCC2181FB6DCDBAFFD97826540F1C

Mastodon - @[email protected]

Experienced with FreeBSD and Linux. Run my own mailserver, using OpenSMTPD and Dovecot. Good knowledge of FreePBX and VoIP systems. Co-maintainer of Procursus, a set of *nix tools for iOS and macOS.

opendircolors - A BSD-licensed replacement for GNU dircolors.

launchctl - Open-source reimplementation of Apple's launchctl(1).

Procursus - A modern *OS bootstrap

freebsd-patches - Various patches for the FreeBSD src tree

opendircolors(1), uicache(1)

January 30, 2023 Katri